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Monday, 10 May 2010

DofE start for Wharfedale Cadets

Two teams of cadets set out on Saturday 8th May 2010 on their practice Duke of Edinburgh weekend.

The Silver Team.

The silver team included Cadet Warrant Officers Bridge and Watson, Sgts White and Chambers, Cpl Connor and Cadets Haynes and Leighton. The team were observed and their progress monitored by CI's Clemence and Pearson from Lawnswood Sqn.

Silver cadets ready to set off

The silver team set off from 1224 (Wharfedale) HQ at 1000hrs and followed a route up into Middleton and then across to a small camp site at Blubberhouses. The aim is to be self sufficient, so in the rucksacks contain tents, sleeping bags, water, food and cooking equipment.

At the camp site, the cadets made good friends with General Kevin Plumage the peacock. But they weren't too impressed with his early 5 am start on Sunday morning.

On Sunday, it was a 0830am start back to Sqn. The cadets had a fantastic weekend.

Cadets meeting Kevin the peacock

The Bronze Team

The bronze team was separate into two team. Team 1 was led by Cdt A Atkinson and his team members were Cdt Hargrave, Cowley, Womersley and Raabe. Team 2 was lead by Cpl Partovi and his team members were Cpl Cavaliere, Cdt Silverwood, Wingate and Owens. This was the first practice for the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze and really gave them a good grounding for future.

The Bronze cadets set up camp.

They followed a route over Ilkley moor to Silsden, camping in Silsden and then returning on Sunday via Addingham. The progress of this team was monitored by Sqn Ldr Tune and Warrant Officer Tune. In addition, there were three members of staff involved in the weekends exercise.

Flight Sgt (ATC) Howe said, "We've all had a great weekend. The cadets have learnt a lot especially the importance of good planning and preparation".
Additional training is planned as the cadets work towards the real test in July.

See more pictures from the weekend in our gallery.

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